Authorize.Net - Discontinued


This space is primarily for development against the Authorize.Net API.  The sandbox area ensures no transactions are accidentally pushed through a "real" payment processor.


The production space is the portal to access transactions and live account settings.

Production (or Testing) Setup

There are several places where setup is required.  The hosted payments page will need to be updated to present a consistent look for the end user.  This can be done under the "Payment Form" option under the "Account" area as noted below.  

As well, it should be noted that the receipt page and response details do not need to be completed.  As part of the payment protocol OPS-COM supplies this information to Authorize.Net

Please be aware your merchant account needs to have the following settings:

Product Type: Card Not Present (CNP)

Market Type: eCommerce

These settings are usually setup by your contact on the initial account creation. If you want to confirm the correct settings go to Account > Merchant Profile. Under the Business Information heading it will show your product and market type.

API Credentials

API credentials are required for communication between OPS-COM and Authorize.Net.  You will need 3 pieces of unique identification, one of which (API Login ID) is defined at the time of the account creation.

OPS-COM will need the following ID's

  • API Login ID
  • Transaction Key
  • Signature Key

Where to obtain these values is noted below.

In the above screen shot we have chosen to generate a new Transaction Key.  Upon selecting Submit, the new transaction key is presented.


The generated Transaction Key and Signature Key together with the API Login ID need to be supplied to Tomahawk Technologies Inc. to complete the OPS-COM setup.

Payment Form

You can style the payment form and add additional details to the hosted payment input page.  As well, fields such as shipping address can be hidden on the payment form to remove any confusion for the end user.

Suggested payment form options:


Personal details can also be removed from the form since OPS-COM will automatically connect the payment to a user.  Since users will often use credit cards that are not their own (spouse, parents, corporate) adding the additional fields is suggested.

AVS (Address Verification Service)

If AVS is enabled please make sure to set the following address fields required:

See for additional information on AVS

Error The Refrrer, Relay response or receipt link URL is invalid

If you receive this error while attempting to test a new integration you may need to set some additional URL values in your account:

Please contact OPS-COM support for these specific values, but for reference you may need to update the following settings in your account:

  1. Login to your account (
  2. Click Account (top right).
  3. Click Settings (left sidebar under Home).

You will be editing these areas:

First edit the Relay Response page.

  1. The URL should be
    *Please note UUID is specific to your hosted payment account with OPS-COM, we can supply you the value that should be in the UUID field, the above link won't work correctly without the proper UUID for your account with us.
  2. Once you have the correct UUID supplied by us, click Submit.

Next go back to the settings page and edit the "Response/Receipt URLs:

  • Edit the "Default Receipt URL".
  • In the URL paste your OPS-COM address with the following format:
    *Note: Replace ClientID with your unique Client ID with OPS-COM. You can get this from the web address you and your users go to access OPS-COM. If you don't know your URL/Client ID please contact support.
  • The Receipt Method should be "GET"
  • Leave Receipt Link Text blank/empty.
  • Click Submit.

You should be done, try re-testing the hosted payment process to see if the same error is received or if it's now fixed.

Site Testing


This page includes ways to generate failure states: