Resetting an Administrators Password

Resetting an Administrators Password

If an administrator forgets or looses their password they can follow this process to reset the password. A valid email address is required for this function to work.

Ressetting a Forgotten Admin Password

From the Admin Login page click on Forgot your Username or Password to begin the process.

You will be prompted to enter your valid email address. This address must match the currently one that exists on the Admin user's Profile.

Once you have entered the email address click on Send Reminder to proceed.

The screen wil refresh and you will get a message indicating an email has been sent with a reset password link included.

This is a sample of what that email could look look like. This email can be edited and configured in Email Templates. See Lost Passwords.

The email link will take you to an interface where the admin will enter the email address discussed above and a new password.
The new password is required to be entered twice for confirmation.

Once a new password is chosen and entered, click on Reset Password to complete the process.

The admin will now be able to log in using the new password they entered.