List Overdue Report

When do we use this?

The List Overdue report allows administrators to report on violations that have not been paid before the due date. Once the violation is paid it would drop off of this report. You can filter on User Type, Ticket Type, and Date.

Accessing the Report

From the Violations menu hover over Reports and click the List Overdue menu item to access the Overdue Violation Payments report. 

The Overdue Violation Payments screen is displayed.
Enter your search criteria and click List Overdue Records. In this case we are looking at violations between May1st 2020 and February 8th 2021
The report will appear at the bottom of the screen with the violation number, details, amount, and offender details. 

Emailing Users

You can click on the user email address to email users directly related to their overdue violations.
You can also select Email Listed Users at the bottom of the report to send an email to all users on the report. 

Generating an Excel Report

Click Generate Excel Report to create an excel document for your records or further manipulation.

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