Flex Payments (new, pending release)

Flex Payments (new, pending release)

This functionality hasn't been released yet

As of July 24th 2023 this new Flex/Credit payments functionality mentioned below hasn't been released to production/live systems. This is work in progress and subject to change. This warning will be removed when/if this new functionality is released.

OPS-COM Admins can now more easily add a credit to a payment. This credit also has functionality to email a specific email address when set (more on that below).

When an OPS-COM administrator wants to add a credit to a payment they would first select an item for payment (permit, violation, locker, etc). Once this is done you will be brought to the payments page and see an Add Credit button:

Once Add Credit is selected you will be prompted to select the following:

  • Payment Method: What payment method is this for? Example: Payroll deduction with Flex payment.
  • Amount: How much should the credit be for? Example: $50
  • Comment: Optional comment administrator can put in related to the credit. 

Adding a credit will make two adjustments. The first will be the value supplied above and be immediately processed as paid using the method indicated. The second will be a negative value of and be unprocessed and available to be used on the next payment.

For example:

A Debit amount of $45.00 will create a  -$45.00  Adjustment unprocessed and available to be used. There will be a debit payment of $45.00 for the linked adjustment that is processed.

Once the credit is added it will be shown along the bottom of the payment page as an adjustment:

Next Proceed to Payment. Then select the Payment Method and click Submit Payment Information:

Next confirm the correct payment method is selected and all details look correct, then click Submit Payment Information:

Once the above is done the payment will be created, however it still needs to be manually processed by an administrator to be fully complete, similar to a cash or check payment method. Assuming everything looks fine click Process Manually:

You will then be presented with a fully complete/processed payment with a credit adjustment:

No further actions are required, the credit payment is complete.

There are also depending on your settings two emails sent. One if for the user, always sent. The other is for Payroll department/email address IF you wish to have them receive email notifications when a credit payment is applied.

The User Receipt email looks like this:

The second email will only be sent if a payroll email address set in System ConfigurationSystem SettingsPaymentsPayroll Notification Email:

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