Search for a Violation

Search for a Violation

When do we use this?

Violation Search allows administrators to search for violations issued in a variety of ways.

To search for violations hover over the Violations icon and click Search

The Violation Search screen is displayed. Type the plate number or violation you want to search for and click the Search using only text button. You can also Search with text and date range if you want to narrow down the search parameters to a specific date range.  As you can see below, there are a number of search parameters you can choose from to further enhance your search results.

At the bottom of the 'Violation Search' screen, the returned records will be displayed.

4. Click the Ticket Number to open the 'Violation Information' window. Click 'Edit/Update' to display the 'Edit Violation Information' screen to make changes if required.  From this window, you can also link the Violation to an incident if you have the Incident Module available. Alternatively, you can make a payment or add Notes to the Violation. 

Searching By Time Frame

  1. It is also possible to search for violations using a time frame filter. In our example here we are searching for any violation written between the hours of 4:00pm and 8:00pm on February 27th.
    To access the time setting click on "with time" beside the date field.

    This will bring up a an interface where you can chose both date and time:
    In this example for the start time we are selecting Feb. 27th at 4:00pm (1600 hours). 
  2. Set the up to and including date and time in a similar fashion. Note that the time blocks are in one hour segments so to choose 8:00pm you would need to select hour 19 which would include 7:00 to 7:59 and appear in the date and time field as 19:59 (see above)

  3. By using this filtering method the search will return only violations that were issued between 4:00PM and 7:59pm on February 27th,

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