Preparing to Import Your User Data

Preparing to Import Your User Data

Many customers wish to port over existing data when they purchase the OperationsCommander system. Data imports can be complicated but they start with a clear understanding of what is needed and clean data. A Data Import may have been included with your system purchase or it may incur additional costs. Contact your Account Executive or email support@ops-com.com to find out.

Preparing your User Data

Your OPS-COM system must be setup and some configuration done before we will import your data. This means the lots and user types in particular must be there. We have attached a sample file that will walk you through what data needs to be provided for a minimal import. If you do not have the information to fill out all columns certain assumptions can be made to enable us to create the profiles. 

  File Modified

PNG File image2019-11-14_13-28-45.png

Oct 01, 2021 by Shannon Jones

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet OPSCOM Data Import Template.xlsx

Aug 05, 2022 by Former user

In general we will import your users, vehicles and permits using this format. Additional data could be considered for import but must be scoped separately and charges will be incurred.

End Result

Your Users will have a profile with their active vehicle linked to it. The correct permit in the correct lot will be associated to the user and the permit will be set to "Renew" so it will be ready to roll over to the next active period. You can start invoicing at the correct amounts after your roll over into the next period.