Permit Search

Permit Search

When do we use this?

Permit Search allows you to search different lots to view information about the permits that have been registered to people.

In Parking Management, hover over the Permit Management icon and click 'Permit Search':

Enter the search criteria. If you are looking for Archived Permit Data, enable the checkbox.  Click the 'Retrieve' button.  The results will display below the search criteria.

Toggle More Options

Additional permit search options can be found under the "Toggle More Options" button and you can pin these additional options so they appear on the default permit search page next time without having to go into the toggle more options area.


Include Only Active

You are also able to search by active permits only using the Include Only Active Permits check box. 

A drop-down menu allows administrators to pick from a variety of reports to be generated. Select the report you want and click the 'Perform Selected Action' button.

The reports include:

    • Generate Mailing List (from listed data)
    • Generate User Usage Report
    • Send Email to Permit Users
    • Generate Status Report
    • Generate Permits for Printing

The  Clock link displays the Permit History screen that shows the entire permit history and links to the permit details and transaction history for that specific permit. If the permit has been rented by more than one user, you will see more than one user listed here.

The Toggle Availability column indicates whether or not that specific permit is visible on the user side. If the checkbox is enabled, the permit is visible to purchase. If the checkbox is disabled, the permit is not visible for purchase. Permits can be marked 'Visible' individually or in bulk by using the 'Mark all Available' or 'Mark all Not Available' buttons. Click the 'Update Records' button to save any changes made.

The Reserved/Rented link displays details about the user who has reserved/rented the permit with a link to view/edit their profile and a link to email the specific user. Reserved means that the permit has been requested but there is no payment made or promise to pay on file yet. Rented means the permit has been reserved and a promise to pay is on file.

  • Requested is when a user has selected an item but has not yet selected how it will be paid for
  • Reserved is when there is an associated unprocessed payment (promise to pay; eg. cheque)
  • Rented is when the payment is processed and linked to a processed payment

Permit Counts Explained

When viewing your Permits either in permit search or the listing in Permit Allocate there is a legend across the top that idicates a count for various states of permits in the lot.

  • Total = Total found by search
  • Requested = State is Good, Payment is Null, User associated to permit
  • Rented/Reserved = State is Good, Payment associated (doesn't have to be processed)
  • Visibile To User = State is Good, Lot & Permit is Visible, No user associated
  • Visible to Admins = State is Good, Lot OR Permit is Hidden, No User associated
  • There's an option that is available that may show another number with Visible to Admins:
    State is Good, Lot OR Permit is Hidden, User IS associated.
  • Unavailable = State is Not Good or Valid Or Usable.

The Release link allows administrators to disassociate a permit from a user. This allows it to be resold.

Take Note

Releasing a permit does not affect the payment transaction. If money needs to be refunded, administrators must do a financial adjustment as well.
The switch link allows administrators to change the permit number associated with a user. The Permit Number link displays the 'Parking Permit Information' screen. On this screen you can change the Permit State and look at the User Profile associated with this permit. You can also see the Payment Details. If the payment has been received you can click on the 'Processed Date' link to view more details. Click the 'Update Permit State' button to save any changes you make. 

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