How does this setting affect OPS-COM?
When using OPS-COM to complete User Profile, we are filling out forms with information for other people that is different each time. Auto-complete can become a nuisance by filling in fields you don't want filled in or even popping data that you don't notice. This data gets saved in the profile by mistake. To avoid this issue, we suggest turning off this feature in your browser.
See the screenshot below:

How to Disable Auto-fill
Please find general instructions for checking and turning off your auto-complete settings based on various browsers below:
| Turn off auto-fill in Internet Explorer- Click on the Tools menu icon.
- Click on Internet Options and select the Content tab.
- In the Auto Complete section, click on Settings.
- Uncheck Forms and User Names and Passwords on Forms.
| Turn off auto-fill in Edge- Open Edge and click on the more icon (three dots) at the top right of the window.
- Click on Settings and scroll to the bottom until you see Advanced Settings
- Look for Save Form Entries and click on the switch to set it to off.
| Turn off auto-fill in ChromeOpen Chrome. At the top right, click More Settings. At the bottom, click Show advanced settings. Under "Passwords and forms," uncheck "Enable Autofill to fill out web forms in a single click."
| Turn off auto-fill in Firefox- Open Firefox.
In the address field, type about:config and click on "I'll be careful, I'll promise" Look for the following entry "dom.forms.requestAutocomplete" Double-click on it to set it's value to False.
| Turn off auto-fill in Safari- Click Safari, Preferences and click AutoFill.
Turn AutoFill on or off: Select each type of information you want Safari to fill in, and deselect the rest. - Change or delete autofill information: Click Edit for the type of information you want to change or delete.