Incident Summary Report by Sub-Location

Incident Summary Report by Sub-Location

When do we use this?

The Incidents Summary Report by Location allows administrators to get a summary of all incidents that have been recorded based on a specified location for a specified time frame. From here, administrators can also get the details of a particular incident and make updates.

1. Hover over the Incidents icon, click Reports and select Sub-Location Report.

2. This will bring up the Search Incidents page. Select the specific dates that they want to search as well as the specific sub-location that they want to search. Select the "Search" button when all criteria have been entered. 

3. This will bring up a table at the top of the page that provides an overview of the incidents that have occurred in each sub-location based on the time frame specified (sample below). Administrators can also select the Details link to the right of a particular incident to view/edit that particular incident.

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