Configuring Incidents
Configuring Incidents
When do we use this?
This article briefly describes how to properly configure incidents and pick lists in the Incidents module. A link to more in-depth information is also provided.
Here is the list of items that would have to be set up in the system prior to using the incident module.
- Categories: Incident Categories are a listings of the types of Incidents that occur. Each Category can have multiple sub categories.
Here's an example of a category and it's sub-category items. In this case the category is Break and Enter. The subcategories appear on the right.
For more information Refer to this Article. - Flags: Incidents may be flagged for information, and/or importance.
An example would be: "Was violence involved?" or "Were there weapons involved?"
For more information Refer to this Article. - Ethnicity: Within incident reporting you have the ability to enter a description of people associated with the incident, whether it be the victim, a related person, the suspect or person who committed the incident.
Ethnicity is one of the descriptors typically used in identifying a person related to an incident.
For more information Refer to this Article - Relations: In this area you can define the relationship/involvement the individual has with the particular incident.
Examples could be: Complainant, Witness, Victim etc.
For more information Refer to this Article. - Ext. User Profile Options: These items are extended values used in describing an individual within incident reporting.
Examples could be: Physical descriptors such as hair colour, hair style, Body Build Type, Clothing Style etc.
(Note: These descriptions will only be seen in the incidents module and not in the user's profile.)
For more information Refer to this Article. - Missing Property Types: An incident may include theft or damage to property. This item allows you to create pick lists that can describe property involved in an incident.
Examples could be: Vehicles, personal property such as jewellery, computers, electronic devices, money, etc.
For more information Refer to this Article. - Cameras: In this section admins can configure input from surveillance cameras that may have captured the incident.
For more information Refer to this Article.