Chalks Tab

Chalks Tab

Chalks tab offers a complete overview of all chalk records associated with a vehicle, in the last 3 months.

Review Past Chalk Items

In the Chalks tab you are able to see a number of items.

  • Chalks are listed from the most recent to the oldest.
  • There is a map location that illustrates where the vehicle was chalked
  • There is a date and time stamp for the chalk event
  • There is a camera icon that can be tapped to display the image that was taken with the chalk event. See below.
  • There is a comment displayed on two of the items. This comment is made at the time of chalking. See below.
  • There is also a distance in meters reading that indicates the distance from the first chalk record to your present position.

Here is a closer look at one of these listings:

Review Chalk Images

By tapping on the camera Icon you will see the image you captured at the time you performed your chalking event.

Review Map and Chalk Comments

For the comment that appears in the records above. Here is the chalking screen.

You can see where the patrol officer added the comment.