Application Logout

Application Logout

This article explains how to log out of the OPS-COM App at the end of every shift

Shutdown Process

It is very important that the tablets are shut down properly at the end of every shift. This ensures that the OPS-COM software is secure (a password is required to log back into the software) and that all of the information recorded from that shift has been properly synchronized with the main database (i.e. uploading of violations and new vehicles created during your session).

Before logging off the OPS-COM software, ensure that the tablet is in an area where it is getting an internet connection.

Tap on the Application Logout option.

This will bring up a pop-up message asking the user to confirm that you do want to log off the program.

When you select the OK option, the program will automatically synchronize all data with the main database before closing the program.

Logout Without Connectivity

If you log off in a location that does not have internet access, the software will be secure (a password is required to log back into the software) and the data will be saved locally on the tablet.

The data itself will not be synchronized with the main database. In this case, users will want to ensure a synchronization occurs when they sign into the OPS-COM program.

Confirming Data Synchronization 

Before logout synchronize data to ensure that all data is in sync with the main database.

Upon logout if you receive an error message or if it seems like the data was not synchronized users can force a synchronization using the Synchronize Data option.

Confirm the data has been replicated to the main database by checking the option for Replication Status. 

Login Screen

When you log off the program will automatically go back to the sign in screen.