Awaiting Payment (Lockers)

Awaiting Payment (Lockers)

Hover over the Lockers icon and click 'Awaiting Payment'.

The Lockers Awaiting Payment page displays. The search results are listed.

The Envelope icon allows administrators to email that user.

The Username link allows administrators to view/edit that user's profile.

The Email Listed Users button allows administrators to send a single email message to all users listed in the search results.

The Locker Number link opens a pop-up window with current locker information. The condition of the locker and the ability to reuse a locker can be updated here. You may also add comments. Click the 'Update' button to save any changes.

The Building Area link displays the 'Building Area Information' pop-up window. This allows administrators to view/edit details about the building area. If you edit any details, Click the 'Update this Area' button. You can also delete the building area from this window.