Supported Browsers, Handhelds and Printers

Supported Browsers, Handhelds and Printers

Supported Browsers

OperationsCommander recognizes that our users may use various Internet Browsers when working with our system. We aim for all visitors to have the best possible experience while using OPS-COM, however, we do recognize that it is impossible to develop applications that work identically, efficiently and effectively on all web browsers. We make best efforts to support support the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers. 

Mobile Devices and Tablets

This site supports browsing from most Mobile or Tablet devices. Content is sized and displayed based on the screen resolution and other display attributes of your device. 

OPS-COM for Android

The ViolationAdmin component provides in-field remote data access from mobile devices and smartphones.  Using an Android handheld and a Bluetooth printer creating tickets for parking infractions is quick and easy. Site patrols sync enforcement and parking data to the system through cellular or Wi-Fi networks. With this remote technology, the system can apply validation rules moments after a user makes a permit purchase on the cloud-based user portal or connected remote devices.

Minimum Handheld Requirements

Not all Tablets or Mobile devices are supported for use with OPS-COM for Android as processing power and camera functions may vary.  They must have at least the requirements listed below. Before committing to a device for use with OPS-COM for Android you are encouraged to perform your own testing to ensure you are happy with the perform on your preferred device. 

OPS-COM no longer supports versions of the Android operating system lower than 7.  Clients with devices that do not support at least version 7 will continue to function, however, you will not be able to download this or future versions of OPS-COM for Android. This means you cannot take advantage of new functionality in future releases.  

  • OS Version - Minimum Android, Version 11.0 (Red Velvet; 2020)
  • Minimum Processing Power - Quadcore: 4X 1.2 GHz
  • Rear Camera: 8 MP Camera
  • Autofocus - Yes
  • LTE/3G and/or Wifi Connectivity

LTE/3G only required if connecting with cellular providers and WIFI is not available (required for data sync)

Recommended Tablet Specifications

  • Samsung Galaxy Tab Active Pro 10” Tablet with LTE & data plan
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab Active 4 8" Tablet with LTE 
  • Samsung Active 2 8” Tablet with LTE & data        
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8 or 10” Tablet with LTE & data plan
  • Panasonic Android Toughpad 7” FZ-B2 & data plan    

Recommended Cellphones

  • Samsung Cellphones, S10, S20, A53, A73
  • Samsung XCover 4 & data plan

Supported Bluetooth Printers 

The following Bluetooth printer models are supported. Other models and makes may require custom development to support them. Please provide the models you are interested in purchasing prior to proceeding.

Printer ModelInfo Sheet
  • Star Micronics SM-T300-DB50 Portable Printer - Includes battery & charger

  • Star Micronics SM-T301-DB50 Portable Printer with Magnetic Stripe Reader -  Includes battery & charger

  • Zebra Charging Accessory Kit

  • Zebra In Vehicle Charging Accessory Kit

Recent Hardware Quotes

  File Modified

PNG File Current Samsung LTE Models 2020.png

Jun 15, 2021 by Shannon Jones

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