Ticket Categories

Ticket Types are used to distinguish what type of Violation/ticket is being issued. Under Manage Ticket Types, you can add, edit or archive a Ticket Type.

How to Edit Ticket Types

Hover over the Admin Options icon and click 'Violations' then 'Manage Ticket Categories'

The 'Manage Ticket Types' screen will display. You will see a list of ticket types that currently exist. From this menu you can add or edit Ticket Types.
Note: Ticket Types can be hidden from handheld devices.  This setting can be changed by Ticket Type. See Administration Fee below.

Click 'Edit Type' next to Municipal. This opens the options for that ticket type. Enable 'Visible on Handhelds' to toggle whether or not this ticket type will be available on the handheld units. Other options will be available to you if you have purchased the Violations Plus Module.

Violations Plus users can chose the following:

  • Enable Failed to Identify - This is used when giving violations to users who fail to produce their ID. You can chose to log the violation against their vehicle instead.
  • Violation Applies To - Vehicles - This the standard way to issue tickets for parking infractions.
  • Violation Applies To - Users - This is used to issue infractions to Users, such as Smoking or Trespassing where a vehicle may not be involved.

Remember to click 'Save Ticket Type' after making changes. 

Ticket Types can be deleted, however they are not actually removed from the system. They are archived to preserve the integrity of any data associated with this Ticket Type.

Add New Ticket Type

To add a new ticket type click 'Add New Ticket Type'. A blank form will appear. 

In this example we will add Bicycle as a New Ticket Type.

  • Ticket Type Name = Bicycle
  • Allow it to be Visible on Handhelds
    If you have Violations Plus you can enable the following options:
  • Select both Vehicle and Users for Violation Applies To 
  • You also have an option to enable "Fail to Identify" 

Click 'Save Ticket Type'. The list will now include Bicycle as a Ticket Type.

Personal Violations

Ops-Com offers the abikty to write up a violation against an individual person. These types of offences could include violations for smoking, alcohol related offences, personal conduct, etc.

When configuring this type of category simply select "Applies to" Users only,

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