OPS-COM Glossary of Terms

OPS-COM Glossary of Terms

Detailed Definitions 

Primary Driver

The designation of Primary Driver is put in place to identify the owner of a vehicle in most cases. A vehicle can be in the system under two user profiles however there should only be one primary driver.
The Primary Driver will receive communication from the system such as violation notices. There is a nightly script that runs which will designate primary driver to any vehicle that has been added to the system. 
If there is no Primary Driver on a vehicle when an appeal is launched, the person launching the appeal will be automatically designated as the Primary Driver.

DNTTA DNTT Note (Do Not Ticket or Tow) information is used to notify enforcement officers that a particular vehicle should not receive any violations in a particular lot, during a particular date and time. For information about using a DNTT report, click here.
Multiple OffencesAn administrator can add multiple Offences to a single Violation (ticket). 
Spoiled This is used to cancel a manual ticket if an officer has started to write a manual violation and then VOIDS it. This could occur when an officer makes a mistake on the ticket or the person at fault comes back to their vehicle and moves it. The violation is marked "Spoiled" as paper violations are incrementally numbered and must be accounted for.
User Profile icon
This is the icon that is used to link back to the User Profile information

A rollover is an action taken at the end of a term/year, in which all assigned permits for a select group (I.e staff/faculty) are carried over to the next term/year. This means that a faculty member with Permit A1 for the fall term, will continue to have Permit A1 in the winter term, as the permit was part of a rollover 

Rollovers may be applied to all permits (in this case: parking) or to a selected group of permits. Admins may choose to rollover permits (carry the permit to the next term) while automatically deducting the cost of the permit (or charging individuals – payroll deduction usually in the case of faculty) OR they can choose to not do any rollovers.  

Rollover is an optional function and does not HAVE to happen, but makes the assignment of permits much easier if a selected group of users (ex. Full time staff/faculty) continue to carry the same permit, rather that being reassigned a new permit every term.  

For more information on Rollovers, click here.

Merge Users

Merge Users is a process in OPS-COM that allows administrators to take two user profiles (usually one has been created in error) and merge (combine, blend) the two user profiles into one user. All user information including history with be merged to the new user. For more information on merging users, click here or here.

Merge VehiclesMerge Vehicles is a process in OPS-COM that allows administrators to take two vehicles and merge them into one. This will correct vehicle duplicates that can be problematic for enforcement. For more information about merging vehicles, click here.
Common Lot 

A Common Lot is not defined by user type, for example, a Bicycle lot. It doesn't matter if you're staff/faculty or student - you can park there if you have a bike, therefore it is a common lot. For information about using Common lots, click here.

Midnight ListThe Midnight list shows all permits and lockers that are reserved but have not been paid for. These items will be released back to available stock each day at midnight. For more information about Midnight lists, click here.
Lot Groups

A lot group is a method to group similar lots. A lot may ONLY belong to 1 group. Lot groups exists to allow similar lots to be seen as 1 single entity for enforcement.

For example: Lot 1, Lot 3, and Lot 5 are all student parking lots. 

    • Lots 1, 3, & 5 may belong to one lot group, called "Student Lots".
    • This allows officers to see that they are all student parking lots, essentially as a single entity. 
    •  Individually, these lots may have their own zones applied to them, but they may only belong to one lot group.
RBAC- Role-Based Access Control

Through RBAC, you can control what end-users can do at both broad and granular levels. You can designate whether the user is an administrator, a specialist user, or an end-user, and align roles and access permissions with your employees' positions in the organization. We utilize RBAC in OPS-COM to control access to functionality in the system. For more information on setting up Roles & Permissions, click here.

Mobility (New Parking Lexicon)A term that is quickly growing more popular as a replacement to the Parking & Transportation Dept.  Many are rebranding as Mobility departments or refering to their Mobility Plan.

Curbside Management

(New Parking Lexicon)

Curbside management in a new term cropping up in Parking and violations.  Seems to be pushed by the Smart City, Internet of Things groups.  It refers to street parking and management of the street real-estate. 

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