You can get to the view incident screen from multiple areas. Searches, reports, links from other places.
Once there, you can view something similar to this:
To view the page, you must have one of the following permissions:
View All Incidents
View Incidents - Self
AND you must be one of the following:
The reporter
Primary Investigator
Case Manager
Be on a task group that’s assigned in the tasks
Be assigned directly to a task.
The edit option is only available if you have one of the following permissions:
Custom Permission - Open All
Edit Incidents
View Incidents - Self
AND you are the reporting admin
AND the incident is Open
If the incident is locked and the admin has the permission "incident_admin" - Incident Administrator, then they can view the lock reason.
If the admin has the permission: View/Edit Confidential Information, they can see a Confidential Info section near the bottom above files.
Dropping Logs
Dropping a log can be done from the Dispatch Logs tab. It will prompt the admin prior to dropping the log:
Linking dispatch logs can be done from either the dispatch entry screen or from the link Log button:
show linking users, colour coded.
fix bug with user details (it’s showing json data)