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titleWhen do we use this?

This is used to cancel a transaction when a promise to pay has been made but before the purchase has been paid for


and processed.


This button cancels the promise to pay and release the items back into the inventory.


Table of Contents

Cancelling a Transaction

Before the payment is processed, follow the steps to locate the user payment in this wiki article


The top, right-hand corner will always identify the name of the user file that is being worked in.


2 When going through the payment process, on the final Payment Request Received screen, select the red Cancel Transaction button.

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3. This will bring up a pop-up message to confirm that you do want to drop the payment/cancel the transaction. Select the OK button to confirm the cancellation of the transaction. By dropping a payment, the item that was to be purchased becomes disassociated from the user and is available to be sold to another user.


In this case it is Michael Ashbury.

On the Transaction Details screen you can see the different options available. You can choose to Cancel & Keep or Cancel & Release

Cancel & Keep will cancel the transaction but keep the transaction details and reserve the permit so that you can process the payment at another time.
Cancel and Release will cancel the payment and release the permit back into the system

In this example we will Cancel and Release the permit. This allows another user to purchase this permit.

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A pop-up message will ask that you confirm. Click OK to confirm the cancellation of the transaction. 

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