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titleWhen do we use this?

Some patrons may be paying for permits with either credit card or payroll deductions that can be set to select payment type and process the payment automatically when performing rollovers on permits in lots. This article will demonstrate how this feature works, and how to recognize what is processed automatically as opposed to payments that will have to be made through other manual methods.

Note: It is also a requirement that the end user had purchased his previous permit through the same payment type so that the system would have a record of the payment type used



There are important steps to complete before you can rollover your lot permits to the next Allocation and auto-pay relevant permits.  The steps are outline below.

Using Credit Cards on File to Purchase Recurring Permits

There are two prerequisites to this function working properly correctly for credit card purchases on rollover. The user must have a valid credit card registered in the system, and the card must be designated as the Prime Credit Card.
There are two ways to register a Credit card in the system.



On the User Interface Side


Sales Window Management


  In addition the user must have previously paid for this permit with this card in another Allocation period.

For instructions on how to enter a credit card into the system refer to this wiki article

Sales Window Management

To create a new Sales Window following the steps in this wiki article.  The Sales window will allow you to have your permits for the next allocation on sale prior to their activation.

Performing Permit Rollovers

  1. The stage is now set to perform roll overs. Hover over the Permits menu and click on Active Sales Window.
    Note: The newly added Sales Window (A) has been added and the link to the Rollover Users wizard appears on the right.

  2. Clicking the link to Rollover Users will bring up the Rollover Wizard utility.

    At this point, we have the ability to select what user types we wish to roll over, or simply leave it as the default of All User Types.
    We can also select the lot we wish to roll over. In this case, we focus on the After4PM Lot where we have two permits available to roll over

    With the lot selected, click on Confirm Rollover to begin the rollover process.

  3. The screen will refresh with a list of permits available to rollover.

    Note the reference at the top of the page indicating we are rollling over permits from the Yearly 2017 Sales Window to the Yearly 2018 Sales Window.
    It is also important to note the difference between the two items in this list. The system is set up to automatically roll over permits that have been paid through hosted payment types such as Mastercard, Visa. Payroll Deduction etc.

    In this case User (A) will be rolled over but will need to make a payment in order to secure his Permit.
    While User (B) will be rolled over and his payment will be processed automatically. 
    Note that the Process Payment for user (B) is automatically toggled on (will be processed) as well as the Credit Card Type appears in the button.

    If for any reason, the person is not continuing to park in a given lot, simply exclude them from the rollover by unchecking the corresponding check box under Rollover.

  4. Click Rollover Permits to complete the process.
