1. Hover over the User Management icon near the top of the page and select “Quick Registration”and click 'Quick Registration'.
2. Fill in all the fields, if you want the user that you register to be able to log in on the user side, check the . Fields with an asterisk * are mandatory. Check the box next to “Allow user login” and mark the account as active". Note, an email address must always be filled in as this is a unique identifier for the user.This allows the user to login to the User Portal. They will be prompted for a password change.
3. When you select the "Submit Registration Information for Processing" button at the bottom of the screen, you will be taken to a confirmation page to make sure the information is correct. If the information is correct, select “Information Correct" button. (You can also edit any information under this user by clicking "Back" button, then edit as needed.) The Registration Complete page will appear after you select the "Information Correct" button to confirm that the user has been added.