The first step is to Set up permit allocations. To access Permit Allocations hover over Allocations (The clock icon) and select Permit Allocations from the drop down menu.
The Permit Allocation Screen will open.
From the Select Allocation drop down select Insert New Allocation
In this example we will create an allocation for a yearly lot using the following data.
- Allocation Title: 2017 Annual
- Allocation Type: Yearly
- Start Date: Jan 1, 2017
- End Date; Dec 31, 2017
Click on Insert New to submit the allocation. Your resulting screen should look like this:
You will now have to make this allocation active. To do so go back to the Allocations menu and select Active Permit Allocations.
Select the allocation you just created by clicking the radio button beside the allocation title.
To activate this allocation click Update Current Allocation.
Once the allocation is set up we can now create our lot.
From the Parking Management Menu hover over Lot Administration and select Pricing & Lot Admin from the resulting drop down menu.
The Permit Pricing & Lot Administration window will open.
To create a new lot click on Add New Lot in the upper right of the screen.
In this scenario we will be setting up a lot with the following data:
- Check the box beside "This lot is visible to site users" to ensure the lot will be visible on the user side.
- Lot Name: Parkade Level 1
- Lot Short Name: PL1
- Default Cost: 530.00
- Check to select This lot can be used for a second permit
(This allows end users to have more than one permit in the lot however if space is limited Administrators can limit this to a single permit) - Check to select Allow the use of a waiting list with this lot
- Set the Lot category to Parkade Building
- LPR Lot Group: Hotel (Note. This is for LPR functionality) *need link to LPR explanation
- Set Lot type to Full Time Staff
Click on Insert this Lot to save it.
In the location Tab Enter a Description in the Location field. This information will be visible on the user side when selecting lots.
Ensure that Lot Allocation is set to yearly so it will be in sync with the Allocation you set up earlier.
Temporary Parking Tab - You can designate a number of spaces as Temporary Parking.
In this example we will set up Temp Parking with the following data:
- Max permits per Day: 30
- Daily Cost: 12.00 (This is the maximum fee for parking anything over 6 hours.)
- Hourly costs: 2 Hours - 3.00, 4 Hours - 6.00, 6 Hours - 9.00
Statistics Tab - This Tab allows the admin to set certain parameters to the lot.
- Total Spaces: 100
- ADA: 10 (These are special needs spots, Handicap, Expectant Mothers, etc.)
- Visitor: 20
Click Update this Lot to save this configuration.
We will now need to set up Permits for this lot.