Make sure you set the HTTP Content-Type header to be application/json.
Making API Requests
Raw Request
POST /api/<client>/v1/validate/plate/<plate> HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache { "apiToken": "YOUR-API-TOKEN", }
JavaScript Request
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var client = '<client>'; var plate = '<plate>';'POST', ''+client+'/v1/validate/plate/'+plate); request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState === 4) { console.log('Status:', this.status); console.log('Headers:', this.getAllResponseHeaders()); console.log('Body:', this.responseText); } }; var body = { "apiToken": "YOUR-API-TOKEN" } request.send(JSON.stringify(body));
Request Object Attributes
Attribute | Type | Limits | Possible Names | Description |
apiToken | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | apiToken | (Required) Your supplied API Token. |
Successful Response
The response will be a json object.
Content-Type: application/json
{ "response": "standard: Faculty/Staff Permit\n Expires: 2099-06-01 23:59:59\n\nDNTT: Main Campus\n2024-11-15 00:00:00-2024-11-15 23:59:00 \nCLEAR FOR ANY PAY AREA\n\nALARM: Wanted to talk with.\n\n", "plate": "ABC123", "responseJSON": { "expires": "2099-06-01 23:59:59", "active": "1", "type": "standard", "shortName": "Faculty/Staff Permit" "dntt": [{ "notes": "CLEAR FOR ANY PAY AREA", "start": "2024-11-15 00:00:00", "location": "Main Campus", "end": "2024-11-15 23:59:00" }], "alarm":"Wanted to talk with." } }