2022 Javan-r6 Maintenance Release

2022 Javan-r6 Maintenance Release

This page is a dynamic document that lists the tasks that are being performed and the state of that work in our work queue.

 Release: Javan-r6

javan rhino

This release is named Javan after the endangered critically endangered Javan Rhino. These are the most threatened of the five rhino species, with only around 60 individuals that live only in Indonesia. Javan rhinos once lived throughout northeast India and Southeast Asia. Vietnam’s last Javan rhino was poached in 2010.

To learn more about the plight of the Javan Rhino or how you can help the WWF cause, visit this link.

Proposed Release Schedule

Please note the upcoming preview and release dates.

Available for PreviewRelease to Production



A release candidate is first released to the preview environment for review and testing by clients. 
If all goes well, the updates will be merged into the production system.

Items Planned for this Release

Please review to assess the impact on your production environment and workflow.