When do we use this?
This page shows you how to add new Distribution - Alerts, as well as manage visible/existing alerts within OPS-COM.
To get to this page, click on Admin Options, hover over Distribution then click, Alerts.
2. You will be redirected to the Distribution Alert Administration page. To see a list of existing Distribution Alerts, click on the drop-down menu.
If you would like to add a new Distribution Alert, click on the drop-down menu, and select "Add a New Distribution Alert".
3. The Distribution Alert Administration page will refresh, with detail-options for your new Distribution Alert. Fill out the required information fields, then click "Add New".
4. To edit your distribution alert, click on the drop-down menu, select the alert that you want to edit and click "Go". You will be sent to this page.
If you want to have the Alert visible, click select "Yes". If you do not want the Alert visible, click "No". To edit the Alert Name, click on the current alert name (in this case, demo) to edit it.
If you want to change the Alert Colour (HEX) click on the text box beside "Alert Colour (HEX)".
To change the sort order, click the box beside "Sort Order".
If you would like to delete an alert, click on the drop-down menu, and choose the one that you want to delete, then click "Delete".