When do we use this?
The Non-Student Wait List option allows administrators to view Non-Student users who are waiting for a permit in a specific lot. Once permits become available, administrators can email users to notify them of available permits and also sell the available permits to a users waiting for a permit.
1. Hover over the 'Permit Management' icon and click 'Student Wait List'.
1. Hover over the Permit Management icon and select the option for Non-Student Wait List.
2. This will bring up the Non-Student Wait List page where administrators can view/edit details about a user waiting to purchase a permit in a specific lot. Note, if the record is highlighted in yellow, the user does currently have a permit in another lot. Administrators can sort the table by any of the column headings that are red links.
The envelope icon beside the user's name allows administrators to email that specific user.
The username link brings up a pop-up message with a brief overview of the user's contact information.
The profile icon, beside the full name, allows administrators to view/edit the particular user's profile. This is also the link that administrators would use if they wanted to sell a permit to the user that is on the waiting list (Select the profile icon and then select the Parking Tab).
The Add link allows administrators to add comments to the wait list record. If a comment already exist, an edit link will appear allowing administrators to update the comments on file.
The Toggle Selections button allows administrators to select all records. If all records are not to be selected, select the check box to the left of the record that is to be worked on.
The Remove Selected From Waiting List button allows administrators to remove records from the wait list. Organizations will want to develop a business rule for when to delete a record, after a user has been emailed or after a permit has been purchased.
The Email All Listed Users button at the bottom of the screen allows administrators to send a single email message to all users listed in the table.
The Email Selected Users button allows administrators to email only those users that they have selected.
The Export to Excel button exports the table as an Excel spreadsheet.