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This article will describe the athletics module describes the Athletics Module, where admins can register members, vehicles, and purchase permits for users with the Athletics Memebersuser type.

Table of Contents

Accessing the Athletics Module

The athletics modue module is a stand-alone module that has it's its own specific urlURL. It is not found in any of the typical menus.

To access the module, use your typical admin portal URL, but instead of using /admin, use the following url.URL:


Registering an Athletics Member

To register an Athletics Member, click on Athletics User Registration. The quick registration form will appear where you can enter the users user's information.

Click Submit Registration Information for Processing to continue.

A confirmation screen will appear.

If all information is correct, click on Information Correct to continue.

Registering the





The user ionformation information will now appear with , providing a prompt to associate a vehicle with the user's information.

Click on 'Associate a vehicle with this user' to add the user's vehicle information. OPnce

Once you have completed filled in the form, click on Add New Vehicle.

Purchasing a Permit

The user's information screen will be updated with the vehicle, and the admin will now be prompted able to assign a permit to this the user.

In our example, we will issue a permit in the Company Staff Lot.

Click on Purchase this Permit to complete the purchase process.

A confirmation will appear. The admin is able to print the users permit from this page.Image Removedmessage confirming the registration will be shown on screen.

The admin may print the user's permit information from this page.

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Athletics User Search

From within the module, you can search Athletic Users.

Only users who have been assigned the user type Athletics will appear in this search.

Click Athletics User Search to begin.

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Enter the search criteria suggested onscreen and click Search to proceed.

From this page, several options are available:

  • User history can be viewed by clicking on the gold H.
  • An email can be sent to the user by clicking on the envelope icon.
  • Additional information on a user can be viewed by clicking on their username.

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Permit Printing

It is possible for an admin to print a user's permit information.

To begin, click on Print Permits.

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Select the Permit Lot and the Permit Text (permit number) and click on Print Selected Hang Tag to complete the process.

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List Athletics Users

To get a list of all users who have been assigned the user type Athletics for use in the portal, click on List Current Athletic Users.

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A list of all current Athletics users will appear.

Further information can been seen on this screen.

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To see a user's details, click on their username.

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The screen will refresh and display a detailed view of the user's information.

A list of all the vehicles associated to the user can be seen here.

Additional details on a vehicle can be viewed by clicking on the vehicle plate number.

Also from this page:

  • A new vehicle can be added to the user's profile.
  • Permit hang tags can be printed.

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By clicking on the permit number in Current Athletics Users, a pop-up will appear with permit details.
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Click "Log Out" to exit the Athletics module.

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Support Agent Notes
    No special notes. If you feel any should be added, please add them here.
    • LDAP accounts cannot access the athletics module.
    • Fixed issue with logging in and MD5 here: Projects2cd5be47-4b47-371a-a141-44aeb050c749OC-8425.
    • This also explains how we can login to the athletics module with accounts that have an empty salt.