This explains how to add features to lockers with user types and prefix options
Locker Prefix
- This allows the Admin to assign locker numbers which may have an Alphanumeric display on the physical locker and simplify what the User sees.
As the system can only allow numeric numbering of the lockers and also does not allow numbers to be repeated, this functionality was added to facilitate the need to use numbers that might be the same from building to building. - The way it works is as follows: Lockers that have numbers on them and are not able to be renumbered cost effectively are give a prefix in the numbering schema when being set up in the system.
Example: Building "A" has lockers 2000 to 2049 Totaling 50 Lockers, Building "B" has lockers 2000 to 2049 totaling 50. (this could happen floor to floor too)- When Building "A" is set up its Prefix will be 100=BA, and Building "B" will be 200=BB. The numbering Schema will be set in "Allocate" by adding the prefix to the actual locker number
- The User when going to to order a locker will be displayed the Locker as "BA2000" instead of "1002000" creating a less confusing definition of the locker for the User
- The Admin benefits by being able to attach a building designator to the locker regardless if they have repeating locker numbers or not.
In this case, all lockers in building "B" would have a "BB" before the locker number.
Locker User Types
Locker User Types
You must create the Locker User types you wish to use in OPS-COM. To do so Hover over Admin Options and click Users, then select Locker User Types.
The Manage Locker User Types sceen appears listing any existing Locker User Types.
The list will include the name of the locker user type, the configured short name, and the number of user records which indicates how many of each user type are in the system.
To add a Locker User Type click on the Add Locker User Type button.
A Locker User Types screen will open where you enter the Name of the User Type along with the preferred Short Name.
In our example we are creating a Public User with the short name Public.
The Manage Locker User Types screen will refresh. Note that the new user type has been added to the list.
NOTE: You can see the new user type that was added has an associated delete button. Locker user types can only be deleted if that have not yet been used.
Once a user has been assigned the Public User type as an example, that user type will no longer display the delete button.
You can assign Locker User Types to any profile by editing the user profile and changing the Locker User Type.
Please Note, Locker User Types is not editable or viewable on the User Side. These must be assigned by the Admin only.
You must assigned your Locker user types by editing the Locker
Building Area and choosing the Locker User Type as shown.
You may select one or multiple user types.
For more on Building Areas please see this wiki article.
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