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From time to time you


may be told to perform the "Reset Settings" function in the


OPS-COM for Android app. Said setting can be found in the system settings


area of the OPS-COM


for android app.

The reset settings function should only be performed if you have been told to do so by us. Below is a step by step guide on how to reset settings.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Login to


  1. the OPS-COM App.

  2. Click System Settings.

  3. Scroll down and check "Reset Settings".

  4. Logout of the app (back, logout).

  5. Fully close the


  1. OPS-COM application.

  2. Restart the tablet/handheld.
  3. When you next login to the app it will re-download all system settings related data.



Since you did a system settings reset you will also need to set the Bluetooth printer again (doesn't need to be repaired in bluetooth settings, just re-selected in the ParkAdmin app settings.

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cqllabel in ("android","settings","handheld","tablet","resync","parkadmin","application","reset","app","phone") and type = "page" and space = "OCPUBLIC"
labelsandroid handheld tablet reset settings resync phone parkadmin app application

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