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IMPORTANT NOTE: Show Only Visible Lots can be toggled on or off.
In the on position all the rules described below will be true.
In the off position lots will show regardless of the setting in lot administration.

The setting can be found in Manage System Settings in the permits tab. See below.
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titleWhen do we use this?

This instruction outlines the six factors that come into play when creating a lot for permit sales that will determine if the lot is visible and available to the user when selecting lots to purchase permits for.


Once the allocation is set up we can now create our lot. There are 2 of the 6 factors involved in lot creation. 

Factor 1 - Simply the creation of the lot itself as a visible lot (checkbox)
Factor 2 - Make sure the lot is NOT set to Temporary only

From the Parking Management Menu hover over Lot Administration and select Pricing & Lot Admin from the resulting drop down menu.
