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This instruction outlines the six factors that come into play when creating a lot for permit sales that will determine if the lot is visible and available to the user when selecting lots to purchase permits for. |
There are 6 factors that affect lot visibility.
- You must create a Permit Allocation for the lots you want to be visible:
- You must activate the Permit Allocation
- Lot creation as a visible lot
- Lot must not be a "Temporary Lot"
- You must Allocate permits to the lot
- User type must match lot user type
To activate this allocation click Update Current Allocation.
Factor 3
- Create a lot and select it to be visible
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Once the allocation is set up we can now create our lot. There are 2 of the 6 factors involved in lot creation.
Factor 3 - Simply the creation of the lot itself as a visible lot (checkbox)
Factor 4 - Make sure the lot is NOT set to Temporary only
In this scenario we will be setting up a lot with the following data:
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Factor 4 - Set the Lot as Visible
- Check the box beside "This lot is visible to site users" to ensure the lot will be visible on the user side.
- Lot Name: Parkade Level 1
- Lot Short Name: PL1
- Default Cost: 530.00
- Check to select This lot can be used for a second permit
(This allows end users to have more than one permit in the lot however if space is limited Administrators can limit this to a single permit) - Check to select Allow the use of a waiting list with this lot
- Set the Lot category to Parkade Building
- LPR Lot Group: Hotel (Note. This is for LPR functionality) *need link to LPR explanation
- Set Lot type to Full Time Staff