Enter a date range and press the search button.
A list of the violations that have been sent to court will be returned by the page.
Click Flag as paid and the violation record will show the item as processed in the user's profile. These items will also show up to process all selected violations to be marked as paid.
Violations flagged as paid will also appear on the Daily Processed Report with Payment a payment type of "Paid by Court"
paid by court.
Additionally, when looking at the vehicle information for this violation, the MTO information will have been purged from the system.
Note the vehicle shows No Associated Driversthere are no associated drivers.
Info |
ImportantFor instructions on bypassing the complete Collections process and sending the item directly to Collections/Court, refer to the article here: |
Show if | ||
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Support Agent NotesSupport Notes
It is important to gather custom information from |
clients so the specific client can be identified in the export to court report. For each client sending information to the MTO, there are 4 codes |
that must be set up for the client site. IT MUST BE A RAW DATA REQUEST from the MTO Here's a reference |
for all the provincial forms: https://ontariocourtforms.on.ca/en/provincial-offences-act-forms/