5.05.190319 - Web Maintenance

5.05.190319 - Web Maintenance

The OperationsCommander  web application has an upcoming maintenance release.  Please take some time to review this information to assess the impact on your production environment and workflow.

The updates will be available on preview sites March 12th, 2019  and released to production environments March 20, 2019 .

New - Using Refundable Parking Deposits

The OPS-COM system has the ability to register deposits for various uses. For example, deposits can be levied for Parking Decals, Hang Tags, etc. These deposits would be charged and collected when purchasing a permit. 
NOTE: This feature is available on the Administration Side only. This will ensure the purchaser must present themselves at the parking office to pay for and receive and decal or hang tag purchased. 

IMPORTANT: This feature does not replace Access Card payments at this time.

For more information about this feature refer to this wiki article.

New - Bulk Email Filter for Managers that Do Not Hold Permits

A new Bulk Email filter is available. This filter will send emails to all permit holders in a specific lot as well as the managers who manage permits for parkers in the specific lot. 


  • OC-3165 - An issue that changed the look of the text box for adding a new incident log.