Note |
Make sure you set the HTTP Content-Type header to be application/json. |
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Making API Requests
Request Object Attributes
Attribute | Type | Limits | Possible Names | Description | ||
apiToken | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | apiToken | (Required)Your supplied API Token. | ||
unique_idUnique ID | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | unique_id | (Required)Your unique_id.login_source An unique identification number of the user. | ||
Login Source | String | 20-character alphanumeric including dashes. | login_source | (Required)Your supplied login source. | ||
first_nameFirst Name | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | first_name | (Optional) User's first name.last_name | ||
Last Name | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | last_name | (Optional) User's last name.user_name | ||
User Name | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | user_name | (Optional) Unique username. | ||
emailEmail | String | 100-character alphanumeric including dashes. | (Optional) Valid email address streetaddress . | |||
Street - address 1 | String | street | (Optional) cityUser's primary street number and name. | |||
City - address 1 | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | city | (Optional)province User's primary city name. | ||
Province - address 1 | String | 2-character postal abbreviation eg. "MA" | province, state | (Optional) postal_code User's primary province or state. | ||
Postal Code - address 1 | String | 20-character alphanumeric including dashes. | postal_code, zip | (Optional)street2 User's primary postal code or zip. | ||
Street - address 2 | String | 20-character alphanumeric including dashes. | street2 | (Optional) User's alternate street number and name. | ||
city2City - address 2 | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes.province2 | city2 | (Optional) User's alternate city name. | ||
Province - address 2 | String | 2-character postal abbreviation eg. "MA" | province2, state2 postal_code2 | (Optional) User's alternate province or state. | ||
Postal_Code - address 2 | String | 20-character alphanumeric including dashes. | postal_code2, zip2 | (Optional) User's alternate postal code or zip. | ||
Cell phone _cellnumber | String | 20-character alphanumeric including dashes. | phone_cell | (Optional) user_type_idUser's cell phone number | ||
User Type ID | String | Id number of UserType | user_type_id | (Optional) employ_noA reference number to the type of user. | ||
Employee Number | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | employ_no | (Optional) employee_phoneUser's employee number. | ||
Employee phone number | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | employee_phone | (Optional) student_noUser's employee phone number. | ||
Student number | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | student_no | (Optional) student_phoneUser's student number. | ||
Student phone number | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | student_phone | (Optional) driver_licence_numUser's student phone number. | ||
Driver licence number | String | 255-character alphanumeric including dashes. | driver_licence_num, driver_license_num | (Optional) date_of_birthUser's driver's licence number or driver's license number. | ||
Date of Birth | String | 10-character date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd' | date_of_birth | (Optional) User's date of birth in format "YYYY-MM-DD. | ||
Locker User Type ID | String | Id number of LockerUserType | locker_user_type_id | String | Id number of LockerUserType | (Optional) driver_licence_provA reference the the user's locker type id of the user. |
Driver's licence province | String | 2-character postal abbreviation eg. "MA" | driver_licence_prov, driver_license_state | (Optional) The province or state of the user's driver's licence. |
Successful Response
The response will be a json object.
Content-Type: application/json
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "status": "success", "reference_id": 44 } |
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In order for a client to use this, they would have to have paid for the right to integrate with OPS-COM, been issued an API Key and had their integration validated by testing with us. Server setup nGinx needs to have Access-Control-Allow-Origin : * to work. The controller also needs to be behind a certificate. Client Setup There is some setup related to getting clients to use the API. First, they must have an API token that exists on the API token api_tokens table. They then have to have an api_permission record that lists what kind of permission the token can have. The permission needed for this api API request is user-create. The api_token_id must be the id of the API token the client will be using from the api_tokens table. |