Note |
Make sure you set the HTTP Content-Type header to be application/json. |
When accessed, this API will send all overdue violations that have not been sent to collections yet in a JSON object. It will also mark them as having been sent to collections, so subsequent calls to the API will not get the same information more than once.
This is a POST request. Data is being posted to the server.
POST /api/{client}/v1/violations/send_overdue_to_collections
Info | ||
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/api/OC_TOMA/v1/violations/send_overdue_to_collections |
Section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Making API Requests
Request Object Attributes
Attribute | Type | Limits | Possible Names | Description |
apiToken | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes. | apiToken | (Required)Your supplied API Token. |
Successful Response
The response will be a json JSON object.
Content-Type: application/json
Code Block | ||||
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{ "records": [ { "ViolationID": 9, "SemPermitID": 0, "Ticket": "1-100013", "VehicleID": 8, "Spoiled": 0, "TicketType": 2, "Issued": "2016-05-03T20:00:00.000000Z", "convNotice": null, "Due": "2016-05-23T20:00:00.000000Z", "ViolationTypeID": -1, "Fine": 50, "AdjustedFine": 0, "Towing": 0, "taxAmount": "0.0000", "Writer": 8, "LocationID": 6, "Comment": null, "TicketAppeal": null, "appealType": 0, "appealFormat": null, "AccessAdminID": 7, "ActionedPer": null, "Created": "2020-10-15T20:13:24.000000Z", "AppealUserID": 0, "AppealProcessDate": null, "AppealAdminID": 0, "AppealComment": null, "AppealAdminComment": null, "AutoNotice": 2, "ProcessedByCollection": null, "SentToCollections": null, "PrivateComments": null, "DriveAway": 0, "UUID": "d9a1c8bb-4ed1-411e-91b1-0b63ba52e04d", "VioNotice": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "Warning": null, "userid": null, "incidentID": null, "failToIdentify": null, "pin": null, "duplicate": null, "AdjustmentReason": null, "user": null, "vehicle": { 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"company_bill_recipient": null, "kais_employer": null, "kais_building": null, "kais_supervisor_name": null, "kais_supervisor_title": null, "register_token": null, "api_token": null, "modified": "2022-08-29T21:36:24.000000Z", "bambora_customer_code": null, "language": "fr", "preferred_communication_method": null, "laravel_through_key": 8 } ], "make": { "MakeID": 13, "MakeName": "Chevrolet", "modified": "2020-10-15T20:13:11.000000Z" }, "colour": { "ColourID": 14, "ColourName": "Red", "ColourKey": null, "modified": "2020-10-15T20:13:08.000000Z" }, "vehicle_type": { "TypeID": 5, "TypeName": "Compact", "modified": "2020-10-15T20:13:13.000000Z" }, "plate_type": { "TypeID": 4, "TypeName": "Passenger", "modified": "2022-04-15T20:58:56.000000Z", "typeCode": "passenger" }, "province": { "ProvID": 9, "ProvName": "Ontario", "Country": 1, "ProvCode": "ON", "modified": "2022-08-30T21:54:10.000000Z", "payments": 1 } }, "location": { "LocationID": 6, "LocationName": "Downtown Business District", "WriterVisible": 1, "GisNo": 0, "modified": "2020-10-15T20:04:19.000000Z" }, "details": [ { "ViolationsDetailID": 10, "ViolationID": 9, "Ticket": "1-100013", "ViolationTypeID": 9, "LocationID": 6, "offenceFine": 50, "discountFlag": 1, "discountAmount": 10, "discountHours": 168, "created": "2020-10-15T20:13:33.000000Z", "type": { "ViolationTypeID": 9, "ViolationDescr": "Parked in Loading Zone", "DefaultCost": 50, "created": "2020-10-15T20:13:41.000000Z", "discountFlag": true, "discountAmount": 10, "discountHours": 168, "adminOnly": false, "violationkey": null, "modified": "2020-10-15T20:13:41.000000Z", "category_id": 1, "adjustable": false, "bylawcode": "BL-78" } } ], "attachments": [ { "attachID": 1, "storageLocation": "oc_tomahawk/VIOLATIONS/2022/08/23/index-debf76b6.png", "attachName": "index-debf76b6", "attachExt": "png", "attachMime": "image/png", "relatedType": "VIOLATIONS", "relatedID": 9, "relatedNote": "1-100013", "created": "2022-08-23T18:48:36.000000Z", "archived": null, "uniqueid": "70756a09-550e-433d-b6f4-75b0bfdcef60" }, { "attachID": 2, "storageLocation": "oc_tomahawk/VIOLATIONS/2022/08/23/index-b11529e8.png", "attachName": "index-b11529e8", "attachExt": "png", "attachMime": "image/png", "relatedType": "VIOLATIONS", "relatedID": 9, "relatedNote": "1-100013", "created": "2022-08-23T20:55:23.000000Z", "archived": null, "uniqueid": "079541cf-302e-4c42-a2cf-38665643d364" } ], "category": { "TicketTypeID": 2, "TicketTypeName": "Municipal", "HandHeldVisible": 0, "modified": "2020-10-15T20:12:51.000000Z", "archived": null, "appliesTo": 1, "enableFailToIdentify": 0 } } ], "state": { "version": "2022.5.hawksbill.0-rc", "csrf_token": "xSc9UppEG8iMXFu606Z6sfemODRyHuoyvKYT0vs6" } } |
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In order for a client to use this, they would have to have paid for the right to integrate with OPS-COM, been issued an API Key and had their integration validated by testing with us. Server setup nGinx needs to have Access-Control-Allow-Origin : * to work. The controller also needs to be behind a certificate. Client Setup There is some setup related to getting clients to use the API. First, they must have an API token that exists on the API token table. They then have to have an api_permission record that lists what kind of permission the token can have. The permission needed for this api request is user-create violation_collection. |