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To create a new form, click on the Add Form button.
Upon opening the add new form screen, the user is presented with a menu with three tabs.
Each field can be removed, edited, or copied by using these buttons:
Question Types
For a detailed breakdown of form field types, refer to the documentation here:
Checkbox Group - presents the user with a list of checkboxes, from which they can choose multiple options.
Date Field - a selectable date time for user input.
Header - a header or title to present information to the user. No information is entered by the user.
Number - a number for the user to input.
Paragraph - a paragraph of text to present information to the user. No information is entered by the user.
Radio Group - presents the user with a list of radio buttons, from which they can choose one.
Select - presents the user with a dropdown menu of multiple pre-defined options. Multiple items can be selected if enabled, or only a single when not.
Text Field - a short text field used for user input.
Text Area - a long text field used for user input.
Question Options
When editing a field, there are some common attributes to lookout for: