Welcome to the OperationsCommander (OPS-COM) family! We are glad to have you. There is a lot to consider when you bring a new system online. This is an investment in your future that will ultimately save your organization time and money. This guide will outline the setups and information required to make this a successful smooth deployment. Below you will find all the information you need to get started with OPS-COM.
OPS-COM Wiki and Training
The OperationsCommander OperationsCommander parking and security wiki is a growing wealth of information about using our software and how to apply best practices in a busy security office. Before you schedule training, it would be very helpful to review the wiki. To assist with your transition to an improved operational model, or to just see how parking management can be made easy we have organized this WIKI into Training Modules that users can go through at their own pace. The Training Agenda is available here. Contact your Training Coordinator by emailing s upport@opssupport@ops-com.com if you have any questions.
Input your Offences
OffenceAdmin allows Administrators to add, remove and edit the offences that are used to issue Violations. Fine amounts are set and the discount for each offence is administered here. You must populate your Ticket Type groups and your corresponding offenses. For information about this refer to this wiki article.